On July 31, the court of appeal in Baku, Azerbaijan, upheld the decision of the lower court, which liquidated Greater Grace Protestant Church on April 26th. Although all church activities are now deemed illegal, God’s people at Greater Grace are not giving up. Pastor Fuad speculates that the judge’s decision was forced and already has plans to appeal to the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan, and to the European Court on Human Rights if necessary. Thank you for your continued prayers and support to help our Christian brothers and sisters in Azerbaijan.
Support Russian Ministries in its effort to promote Freedom of Religion and stand up for persecuted Christians in Eurasia and Azerbaijan.
If you didn’t sign the Petition yet – it is the best time to do so. Sign the Petition, share it on your Facebook wall, and send the link to your friends.
To help support persecuted believers in Azerbaijan and other countries of the former Soviet Union, visit Russian Ministries’ giving page at: https://www.russian-ministries.org/how/ProcessDonation.php and select ‘Religious Freedom Fund’ from the designation dropdown.
Thank you for your prayers and support!