Russian Ministries Spearheads Briefing on Religious Freedom in Eurasia
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 09:49PM
Wade Kusack

Wheaton, IL-
On February 5, 2014 Russian Ministries will spearhead a briefing on Capitol Hill, “Religious Freedom Issues in Eurasia and the Former Soviet Union.”

The briefing will be co-sponsored by Congressman Joe Pitts and the following international and US organizations defending religious freedom and human rights: Religious Liberty Partnership (US), Institute for Global Engagement (US), Christian Solidarity Worldwide (UK), Stefanus Alliance International (Norway), International Religious Freedom Roundtable (US), Religious Liberty Commission of World Evangelical Alliance (US), and Light to the People (Sweden).

The briefing will examine increasing religious restrictions in Eurasia as well as foster constructive dialogue between Eurasian civil, religious and government leaders in order to develop solutions to this critical global issue.

Delegates from across Eurasia and the U.S. will participate. Speakers will include Yuri Sipko, pastor and former president of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists; Alexander Klyushev, president of the Association of Religious Organizations of Kazakhstan; Rasim Khalilov, general secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Azerbaijan; Nijat Mammadli, head of the International Relations Department of the State Committee on Religious Associations of Azerbaijan; Metropolitan Filaret, head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; Dr. Mikhail Cherenkov, vice president of the Association for Spiritual Renewal; Mervyn Thomas, CEO of Christian Solidarity Worldwide; and Ed Brown, head of the Human Rights and Religious Freedom Department of Stefanus Alliance.

Russian Ministries is a non-denominational Christian organization, working to create awareness and provide support for Christians under persecution in the countries of the former Soviet Union/Eurasia. For more information on the Briefing on Religious Freedom in Eurasia, please contact Wade Kusack, Director of Religious Freedom Issues for Russian Ministries at: For more information about Russian Ministries or to schedule an interview with a leader of Russian Ministries, please contact the Russian Ministries’ office.


Russian Ministries
P.O. Box 496
Wheaton, IL 60187

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