To the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)

Dear ,
It is with great concern that I am writing to you this letter, which attempts to describe yet another worrying trend in the treatment of the tiny Christian minority in Uzbekistan.
Cases of persecution of members of the Christian community in Uzbekistan are mounting daily. However, it does not seem that the mainstream, and indeed non-mainstream, media are keen to pay worthy attention to the alarming events taking place in this country.
The real problem underlying the vast majority of these events is linked to the Uzbek Government’s efforts to construct court cases against the members of the Christian minority in a way, which looks legitimate and lawful. The police and criminal justice system of the country are being used to bring innocent Christians before its courts, which are well-known for their bias and implicit dependence on the government.
(See Attachment A)
As a general overview, religious freedom of Christians in Uzbekistan is one of the most difficult issues in the country’s predominantly Muslim environment, where only two mainstream religions – Orthodox Christianity and Judaism – are recognized and seemingly tolerated by the country’s traditional society. Despite the fact that the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan asserts that “democracy in the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be based upon common human principles, according to which the highest value shall be the human being, his life, freedom, honor, dignity and other inalienable rights”, the Uzbek government made every effort to restrict not only religious freedoms, but also freedom of speech and press, the right to assembly.
The situation for the Uzbek Christians is not safe. Authorities have started to tighten their grip on all churches. Societal hostility and resentment against them is growing, fanned by negative TV reports and publications. For these reasons, teaching their believers is an increased challenge for local pastors. The situation gradually spirals out of control.
Could you please take notice of this letter and help me in my troublesome efforts to alleviate lives of many Christians in Uzbekistan.
Some examples of the persecution.
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