


Naghmeh Abedini, Pastor Saeed’s wife, invites you to join her in remembering Pastor Saeed Abedini and others who are persecuted for their faith by participating in prayer vigils across the world on September 26, 2014, the anniversary of Saeed’s imprisonment.

Pastor Saeed previously expressed in his letter that nothing has encouraged him more than knowing “that in my chains the body of Christ has chained together” in prayer. Join others in praying for Pastor Saeed and the persecuted church.

Find a prayer vigil near you in the list below.

US locations: click here


Klaipeda, Lithuania
LCC International University
7-8:30 PM


Udomlya, Russia
Udomlya Baptist Church (Udomlja, MjUda street, 11) 7 PM
г. Сатка, Челябинская обл.
г. Сатка, омц "Возрождение", Сатка. ул. Надпрудная 8а / CMC "Revival" Satka. Str. Nadprudnaya 8a 7 вечера


Kiev, Ukraine:
- Church Transfiguration (Преображение), Ukraine / Kyyivska / Knyazhychi / Киев / ул. Архитектора Вербицкого, 30б, 26 сентября, 7pm (7 вечера)
- Kind Pier Church (Церковь Добрая Пристань) 02068 г. Киев, ул. Хорольская, 30 7pm (7 вечера)
- Christmas Church, Киев, ул. Кобзарская 10,  26 сентября, 7pm (7 вечера) 

Odessa, Ukraine:
- Love of Christ Church, Odessa, ул Новосельского 68, 25 сентября 7 вечера

Rivne, Ukraine:
- The House of Gospel Church, Rivne, ул.Черняка, 9, г.Ровно, Ровенская обл. 26 сентября, 7pm (7 вечера)

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