They shot the brothers for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ

Yesterday a service was held in Slavyansk in memory of four brothers who were killed by pro-Russian separatists for no reason. This happened back on June 9, 2014, but only now is information and details on what happened coming to light. God forbid that anyone hear or see such a thing! The relatives of those killed deny allegations that they were in any way involved in politics.
Pavenko Reuben, 1984,
Pavenko Albert, 1990,
Bradarsky Viktor, 1974,
Vladimir Velichko, 1973.
Yesterday, Pastor Peter Dudnyk wrote as follows on his page:
"Our brothers have been murdered... The funeral service is today. All the Evangelical churches of the city came together at the funeral service, canceling their regular worship services. They shot the brothers for believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, teach us to forgive those who cause us harm and to pray for those who hate us!"
It has fallen upon our brothers and sisters in Slavyansk to truly endure agonizing grief and to not curse, but instead bless those who have caused them harm. Thank the Lord that such people exist! Because of this there will be goodness and blessings in this world!”
Pastor Vladimir Zubenko shares his feelings about what these events:
"Slavyansk. At 9 o'clock in the morning, Alexander Moiseev and I were at the memorial service at Transfiguration Church. The hall was full of weeping mourners. The church was bidding farewell to four of her sons, who were slaughtered on June 9 by terrorists. From the pulpit the sounds of hymns were accompanied by the Word of God about the heroes of faith, about consolation for their family and loved ones. The question "why?" fades as we comprehend "where to". Without a doubt, all four are in Heaven, all four are alive. After all, our God is not a God of the dead, but of the living.
But just the same I shall make a weak attempt at answering the question "why?". Why were they killed, what did they want by this? The answer is terrible and simple. Firstly: The murder was not "to achieve something," but an end in itself. This has always been the goal of the devil – to steal, kill and destroy. Secondly: The reason for the murder, I think, lies in the fact that they are ..., they're simply smart, happy, beautiful, bright, and kind.
And because they are people of faith. And to the darkness, this has always been vexing. And somehow I'm convinced that when the wrongdoers witnessed their unyielding faith and realized that these men would remain faithful to the end, they destroyed them. However, they did not destroy their immortal souls, but only their earthly manifestation.
On the entry to Kramatorsk, there's a line of cars about half a kilometer long – a good sign that a large number of people are returning to their native city. And we are looking forward to the return of Christians to our church. Several meetings and services have been held in our community church. Despite the lack of MS workers, there are noticeably more people attending the Sunday service...Dear friends, we welcome new people to our town. We love you and look forward to seeing you. God bless you!"
May God grant peace and tranquility to all living in Ukraine. I pray that the people might lay down their arms and that peace and tranquility might reign in Southeast Ukraine. Save us all, Lord, from such terrible trials. As we reported earlier, the brothers left behind them 11 children who must be fed and nurtured.